JAKARTA - Are you feeling bored with your current life? Find out if you're really unhappy, or just need to change things up.
You ignore important responsibilities in the office.
This 'unconscious' self-sabotage indicates that you feel bored with the current situation.
Change things up by recalling why you agreed to take on the responsibility in the first place and the optimism that accompanied it. If you feel that your role in the office no longer meets your needs, look for new challenges that can help you grow.
You cannot achieve long-term goals.
This happens because you lack intention and self-discipline. Try more practice saying 'no' to various temporary temptations. Track progress by creating a timeline where you can note the various milestones you want to achieve, then make a list of plans to follow up.
You often procrastinate until the last minute, and instead do other things that you don't want to do.
This happens because you are 'motivated' by fear. Always ask yourself, 'What and who am I doing this for?' and make a conscious choice to do anything for love, both for yourself and for others,” advises Julia.
You check your Instagram timelines too often (in fact, a little obsessively).
A classic case of addiction to Instagram combined with FOMO(Fear of Missing Out). You realize that this behavior is not good, but do it anyway because it makes you feel happy (which is actually fake) and gains a sense of belonging.
Build a personal brand by developing excellence and what you believe in. As your self-confidence increases, envy will go away on its own and eventually you can live your life the way you want.
You often gossip with your friends.
You feel inferior, crave attention, or want to feel needed.
Find out the real reason you gossip. Most likely, you are projecting a sense of insecurity towards other people. Once you find the reason, you will stop feeling that you have to put other people down in order to feel superior or happier.
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