JAKARTA - The European Union Delegation to Indonesia celebrated World Environment Day, June 5, by holding a virtual talk show with the theme "Restoring the Earth's Ecosystem". This activity is expected to build wider public awareness of the importance of preserving our forests, seas and biodiversity for the restoration of the earth's ecosystem.

The event was attended by the Head of the Legal and Budget Planning Working Group of the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM), Didy Wuryanto, and featured several environmental activists and experts from various sectors.

"World Environment Day is a reminder for us to always preserve the earth. The European Union takes part by involving the general public, especially young people, in the global movement #GenerationRestoration. Ecosystem restoration can start anywhere. We need to involve many parties to take action and make a smart choice so that we can increase our role in restoring ecosystems," said Henriette Faergemann, First Counselor for Environment, Climate Action, Digital from the European Union Delegation to Indonesia in a virtual talk show.

As part of EU Environment Day 2021, the European Union wants to inspire young people to make changes and take real action through the Social Media Challenge #GenerationRestoration. "Healthy ecosystems can prevent the destruction of biodiversity. A preserved environment will remain a source of food and livelihood if we maintain a harmonious relationship with nature," added Mrs. Henriette.

Head of the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM), Hartono Prawiraatmadja expressed his appreciation for the #GenerationRestoration Movement to inspire youth involvement in preserving nature. "One of them is through restoration programs and peat ecosystems as well as rehabilitation of damaged mangroves," he said.

In the Talk Show session, environmental activists, experts, and public figures share their experiences about the smart innovations they have implemented.

From the maritime sector, Nadine Chandrawinata, the founder of Seasoldier, emphasized that the sea conditions are concerning because they are filled with plastic waste. “Educational activities to increase public awareness about the cleanliness of the sea, continue to be carried out both at sea and on land. Young people in particular must continue to struggle to maintain Indonesia as a maritime country, so that it can be recognized as a clean country and cares about our own waste,” concluded Nadine Chandrawinata.

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