JAKARTA - Youtuber Ria Ricis is on her way to Jakarta from Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Saturday morning, June 5.

In his Instagram story post, Ricis, who was at Komodo Airport, Labuan Bajo, NTT, said that his return was to visit his father's grave at the Tahfizh Daarul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School owned by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur.

"I'm back in Jakarta, to papa's new house where papa last rests," wrote Ria Ricis on her Instagram account @riaricis1795, Saturday morning, June 5.

Ricis said he couldn't wait to visit his late father's final resting place.

Ricis thanked his team for keeping the sad news until his condition was stable since he came down from Wae Rebo village, NTT.

Ricis revealed that his condition was still cheerful before coming down from the village. He did not know the sad news of his father's death due to blocked signals.

In his memory, Ricis said his father always liked it when he came home and showed off his travel photos. He will also tell his experience in Flores when he visited his father's grave.

"I'm sure papa will be happy and proud. Can't wait," he wrote again.

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