JAKARTA – The most common digestive problem experienced is constipation. A person can be said to be constipated or constipated if the frequency of bowel movements is less than three times a week. The effect is hard stools to come out.

There are various causes, including lack of fluids and fiber and sitting too much or experiencing changes in habits.

Reported by Medical News Today, Friday, June 4, some yoga movements or poses can be an alternative to overcome constipation. A 2015 study showed that yoga could be an alternative therapy for someone with irritable bowel syndrome.

Researchers have also found that yoga not only solves digestive problems but also helps reduce levels of anxiety and mental fatigue. Here's a list of poses that can be done even by beginners.

Half twist on the spine

You can try this pose while sitting on a mat or a surface that is not too hard. First, sit with your legs straight in front of your body. Then bend the right leg on the outside of the left leg.

Third, bend your left leg toward your buttocks and place your left elbow on your right knee. Turn your upper body to the left and bring your chin to your right shoulder. Hold this pose for a few breaths then switch to the other side.

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Illustration of a half spinal twist yoga pose (Unplash/Dane Wetton)

Crescent lunge twist

This pose, such as twisting and lunging for the crescent moon, engages the muscles around the torso so that it can help smooth bowel movements.

How to do this is as follows:

Lunge forward right leg bent and left leg straight. Lift your arms up and slowly bend your upper body toward your right knee. Hold the pose for several breaths and do it with the opposite leg.
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Crescent lunge twist pose illustration (Unsplash/Zen Bear Yoga)

Supine spinal twist

How to do this pose while on your back and involve the muscles around the hips, thighs, and waist. The trick, lie on your back and bend the knee of one leg. Point your hands to the sides so that they form the letter 'T'. Point the bent leg in the opposite direction.

For example, the bent right leg directs the knee to the left until the waist twists. After doing a few breaths, repeat the same movement on the other leg.

Cobra pose

Cobra pose does not require twisting movements but can help relieve gas in the stomach. The trick, lie on your stomach and lift your shoulders up with a pedestal on both palms. Look up at the face so that the body is curved.

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Cobra pose illustration (Unsplash/Jamie Ginsberg)

Legs on the wall

The next move is the simplest. Besides being able to help relieve digestive problems, the leg against the wall pose also relaxes the back.

The way to do the movement is quite simple, namely by lying on your back and opposite from the wall. Lift both legs up and place your hands as comfortable as possible.

Wind-relieving pose

This pose can be done on a bed, by lying down and lifting your legs towards your chest. Tie with both hands or bring your hands around your shins. Hold this pose for a few breaths and release.

The bow pose

Bow or bow pose can strengthen all abdominal muscles. According to the Yoga Institute, this pose is good for those who have gas and digestive problems. For those of you who have bone problems, first consult an expert before doing this pose.

Bow pose can be started by lying down and bending your knees. Both hands grasp the ankles and lift the chest up slowly. The thighs will also light up following the movement of the chest. Hold this pose for 7 breaths and release.

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