No Jupiter's Legacy Sequel, Netflix Chooses To Make A Spinoff
Jupiter's Legacy (Netflix)

JAKARTA - Even though it was only released a month ago, the Jupiter's Legacy series did not continue into the second season. Launching Deadline today, June 3, Mark Millar's series will take a different step from its original goal.

This is because Netflix, Millar, and IP have different opinions. On the other hand, Netflix will make an adaptation of the animated Supercrooks also made by Mark Millar.

Supercrooks tells another story about Jupiter's Legacy that focuses on eight supervillains. They carried out the greatest robbery in all of the centuries and a shameful crime case.

"Doing something that focuses on the villains they are dealing with is a fresh story as we explore what it's like to be the bad guy in a world where good people want to put you in jail," said Mark Millar.

Supercrooks animation has several crossovers with the Jupiter's Legacy series. However, because Supercrooks production is still in its early stages, nothing has been confirmed about this series.

Mark Millar is the creator behind Kick-Ass and Kingsman. In 2017, Netflix acquired Millarworld, Millar's publishing company and will begin production adaptations for films and television series.

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