JAKARTA – Inflammation is a natural mechanism to protect the body from attacks by foreign microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This mechanism is characterized by infection and inflammation caused by the resistance of white blood cells to microorganisms or to form a barrier.

In addition to needing treatment on a doctor's recommendation, people in recovery also need to avoid eating foods that can exacerbate inflammation. What's the food list? Following below along with the content that hinders recovery.

White sugar

Launching Meraki Lane citing the book The Anti-Inflamatory Diet & Action Plans: 4 Week Meal Plans to Heal the Immune System and Restore Overall Health, Monday, May 31, notes that white sugar in sugary foods can worsen inflammation.

Inflammation is experienced from acne on the face to cancer patients. Because inflammation can be triggered from the smallest to the biggest problem, it is important to understand that less sugar is recommended.


In certain cases, there are allergies to peanuts. Meanwhile, for those of you who are recovering from inflammation, you need to replace this snack with almonds or cashews.

makanan penyebab inflamasi
Illustration of peanuts (Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

Dairy products

Dairy-based foods such as yogurt, cheese, and margarine can cause inflammation. These processed products are generally known to cause allergies. That is, you need to be more careful in managing the food menu.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil can disrupt the balance of omega-3 fatty acids into omega-6. And this can make the inflammation worse. So, you can replace vegetable oil with coconut oil as an alternative although avoiding it completely would be much better.

Processed food made from flour

Starting from bread made from white flour or potato flour is not good for health. Especially if it is often consumed. Foods made from flour contain a high glycemic index which can trigger advanced glycation end (AGE) or advanced glycation end products.

These foods can cause inflammation, cause obesity, and reduce the quality of health.

Red meat

Eating beef steak and grill is not always bad, but when you are experiencing inflammation it is necessary to set the right schedule to eat it. Because red meat can be problematic, it means you can replace the menu with fish or tofu as an alternative.

Trans fat

Saturated fat or trans fat is found in fast food and fried foods. Pastries, donuts, and crackers also contain harmful ingredients, especially when a pimple appears on the face or an infection.

Fried food

It's common knowledge that fried foods worsen inflammation. Compared to baked and sautéed foods, fried foods are more difficult to digest.

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Fried food illustration (Pexels/Valeria Boltneva)

Foods with high sodium

Foods that have a salty taste or added salt and are eaten in large portions will not make inflammation heal immediately. In addition, foods with high sodium have been shown to have adverse effects such as increasing the risk of high blood pressure.

Corn sugar

Corn that has been genetically modified is not good for the body system and causes inflammation in the stomach. So, avoid processed sugar from corn and corn syrup that has been genetically modified.

Because there are too many lists that need to be avoided, it is recommended to eat foods that are processed with simple processes or fresh foods that are natural.

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