JAKARTA - Cita Citata is known to have auto-immune diseases such as Ashanty. Even so, this dangdut singer does not want to limit his daily activities. With proper control, Cita believes the disease does not hinder her activities.

"Do not let dong sick make us reduce activities. This 9 Months soap opera filming is also not a problem. I'm still therapy while filming. Obstacles do exist, 12 o'clock is already red-red allergy. The heat is also red-red. Pinter-pinter aja ya set the clock," said Cita found in the kebon Jeruk area, West Jakarta, Tuesday, May 25.

As the main player, Cita admits to being very busy. Filming without pause requires that he is always fit. 'Cause I'm the main player, so once done I have to really sleep a break. It's filming like not being given a seat, change clothes take, change clothes take,"He explained.

According to Cita, auto immune attacks occur because too many chemical vitamins. "I'm not forbidden to drink the chemical, I anjurin drink the herbal aja. I have too many vitamins so too many white blood cells," she explained.

Now, Cita claims to prefer herbal and natural products to maintain the vitality of the body. "Used to take vitamins, inject vitamin C, and also whitening, now no longer. Take vitamins from the source. Need vitamin C yes eat oranges, vitamin D yes drink milk. Five years I don't understand auto immune. Because stress is also, the source of the mind. The cure is also out of the mind," he said.

To make the mind happy, Cita claimed to enjoy filming activities. "I want to hone my talent in acting, believe I can. I want to be open to receiving input from anyone who acts," he said.

In the series 9 Cita Citata starred alongside Fero Walandaouw and Pamela Bowie. "I used to play soap operas with Fero 8 years ago. Before dealing fero phone contract first to take, in order to get chemistry, you've been acting together," he recalled.

The soap opera 9 Months tells the story of Welly played by Fero Walandow who is willing to marry Karen, played by Pamela Bowie. The contract marriage was done by Welly in exchange for money, which would be used as a dowry to marry Andini (Cita Citata), the girl he loved so much. The problem arises because Andini asked to marry Welly on the same day as Welly's marriage to Karen.

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