JAKARTA - Apparently, Ed Sheeran does not have a cell phone. This British singer did this because he wanted to minimize stress. However, this does not mean that he does not have any means of communication.

"Ed doesn't have a cell phone. (If you want to call him) you can send him an e-mail," said his friend Roman Kemp, during a show on British TV. Reporting from Kenosha News, Monday, December 2.

"I bought an iPad, then I just work via e-mail. And that makes it less stressful. I don't have to answer 50 messages from people asking about things when I wake up. It's just like, I wake up and drink tea, "said Ed Sheeran when asked why he didn't have a cell phone.

Ed Sheeran is not the only public figure who has decided not to use cell phones. Musician Simon Cowell said in 2018 that he had stopped using his cell phone for 10 months. This he did for mental health and increase feelings of happiness.

"The change I feel is that I care more about the people around me and I feel more focused," said the American Got Talent jury. Launched The Guardian.

Mentally healthy and live happily without a cell phone

Ed Sheeran and Simon Cowell have the same reason why they don't have cell phones: for the sake of mental health. This is directly proportional to a research.

San Diego University and The University of Georgia used mental health data from 1.1 million adolescents in the United States (US) to find out why decades of increased happiness and satisfaction among US teens suddenly changed in 2012 and declined sharply for four years. the next year.

In 2012, half of Americans (about 37 percent of whom were teenagers) owned a smartphone. In 2016, 77 percent of US citizens carried an iPhone or other brand. Other research has shown that the more time spent surfing in cyberspace, the more unhappy it is.

Other research from Kent State University said the reason why cell phone use makes someone unhappy is because face-to-face interactions are replaced by screen-to-screen interactions. This style causes two-way communication to be ineffective and results in a person feeling unhappy quickly. In addition, when people communicate via cell phones, they do not display emotions that make their emotions stifled and their moods get down easily.

When using cell phones, people not only reply to messages but also surf social media. Seeing the uploads of other people who look happier or more comfortable, can make people who see them jealous. Constant jealousy can also increase stress and make life less happy.

From a physical point of view, frequent use of the telephone also makes the body sedentary and reduces exercise time. Lack of exercise makes the body easily feel weak and fat does not burn properly which leads to obesity. Though exercise is also able to reduce depression and increase self-confidence.

Making changes from previously using cell phones to being not at all difficult is indeed difficult, but it can be changed little by little by reducing the use of these cellphones, for the sake of mental health and a sense of happiness in the future life.

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