JAKARTA - If the lyrics of the song Titiek Puspa, fall in love with millions of tastes. Let's day, let it be night, imagine his face. Being able to feel the beauty of falling in love is a special moment for everyone. But there are two options that are often confusing: better to be loved or loved?

If you can choose, which one do you prefer? Because when run, the two can feel different. Let's try to describe the difference between being loved and loving.

When you're on someone's side of love, sometimes it can make you willing to do anything for her. In fact, you dare to do things that are beyond your means or sacrifice yourself. You will do everything possible to get him to love you again. Loving someone excessively can make a bucin aka a love slave.

When you're loved, it's like hovering over a cloud. You don't have to try too much because it's already a loving person. Effort will be required if you decide to establish a relationship! Of course both couples should be equally trying if they want to maintain a relationship.

Well, so how, already have a choice of loving or being loved?

"For most people must think it feels better to be loved, because it feels like they are in a higher position. However, it is seen from a biopsychological point of view that loving is a good thing," said psychologist Efnie Indrianie, M.Psi, as quoted from Medcom's website, Monday, May 24.

When you love someone, the hormone oxytocin in the body will be active and this is a positive thing for physical and emotional health. The psychologist said, loving means sincerely giving affection, but when it becomes an obsession, which is instead increasing adrenaline and cortisol aka stress hormones.

Loving someone requires maturity and maturity so as not to make you become bucin or possessive. You must understand how to love others healthily.

Well, the shortcomings of loving is actually two possibilities, namely the emergence of a desire to dominate or even become a slave to love. You'll be very disappointed if everything about your loved one doesn't go as expected, for example she can't reciprocate your feelings?

If you are loved, it will feel safer and more comfortable. But sometimes this makes you selfish towards your partner and get ready arbitrarily.

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