Getting To Know Newlyweds Blues, Fear Syndrome Of Living Life As A Newlywed
Illustration (Andre Hunter/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Life, as a husband and wife are arguably only going to start after the reception, is finished. Usually, the feelings of newlyweds, especially wives will be mixed after this time. Instead of feeling happy about being able to live with a loved one, he felt sad and overwhelmed.

This is called newlyweds syndrome or newlyweds blues. If you feel that way, here are the things you can do to restore a positive aura to make you happier living a new home life.

Reset expectations

Most newlyweds have their own expectations about marriage. Most are usually unrealistic. To be able to feel true happiness in the home, you need to throw away all expectations of married life as in the movie and prepare yourself to face all the unexpected during the life of marriage.

Do another plan

Still in the phase of wanting to plan something? Just go ahead. Married life will open up opportunities to do new kinds of planning. Starting from family financial planning, vacation or honeymoon plans, monthly shopping plans, to planning a daily meal menu.

Find new hobbies and activities

Once the reception is over, you will feel lonely because your attention is no longer focused on taking care of all wedding preparations. This kind of "empty" atmosphere is what sometimes makes the mood so erratic. To fill the void, try to find something interesting and can distract your mind. For example, learn to cook, take a yoga class, or redecorate a new home.

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