JAKARTA – A vacation or having a break from work activities feels fun. In times of pandemics like today, it may be worth considering when traveling especially to crowded tourist attractions.

Based on studies, rarely taking time off or working continuously without a break will worsen heart health.

The study, conducted by the Framingham Heart Study, found that women who took fewer days off had an eight times higher risk of having a heart attack than women who took frequent vacations.

Holidays alone in several studies also have health benefits. Instead of traveling to crowded places and at risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, you can spend time off at home or in the open that tends to be safer.

How can holidays and heart health relate? Stressful thoughts that cause stress when working constantly increase the risk of heart disease. Moreover, unhealthy habits due to chasing targets or forgetting to eat, hours of sleep deprivation, and absent exercise are also bad effects.

Visiting Inc., Thursday, May 20, 4 scientific reasons taking time off can be beneficial for health. First, holidays can reduce stress based on studies by the American Psychological Association.

Taking a break from work, according to a research report of 900 lawyers in Canada, could reduce work stress. Research at the University of Vienna also found that after taking time off from work complaints of headaches, back pain, and heart problems decreased.

Second, research that highlighted participants with cardiovascular, those taking five years off were 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack than those who took time off once a week each year.

Third, increased productivity is actually experienced after enjoying time off. The search was conducted by professional services company Ernst &Young against the employees. It's findings, each giving an extra 10 hours of vacation time there was an 8 percent performance improvement by the end of the year.

Still in the same context, about productivity levels, the Boston Consulting Group found that high-level professionals who are required to take time off are more productive, happy at work, and superior in their field.

The last reason why taking a break is that it can make sleep better. Restless nights make sleep delayed. This has the potential to create less focus, memory impairment, increased potential work accidents and decreased quality of life.

Approaching the weekend, what are your plans to enjoy a break from work?

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