JAKARTA - Intimacy is established when couples fully know each other and love them for who they are. In a survey conducted by Robert J. Sternberg, a psychologist, found sexual arousal and intimacy to be the keys to satisfaction in marital relationships aged 1 to 42 years.
Based on this background, affection needs to be worked on to build a happy married life. Reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, May 19, Susan K. Perry, Ph.D., recommends a series of ways to keep marriage intimate.
More open to feeling closer
In the book Time and Intimacy: A New Science of Personal Relationship by Joel B. Bennett writes that intimacy is a process of discovery built through constant attention.
Psychologists encourage couples to open intimate conversations with each other to reveal each other's 'secrets' of the partner. According to them, people who are not open are more difficult to have an intimate relationship with.
Make time for emotional conversation
Emotional conversations are interactions that involve emotions, including sharing warmth after a tiring day.
Together doing new things
Doing productive things together, for example adopting a pet to building a garden at home can be new things that make a marriage relationship even more intimate.
Enjoy each other's routine
According to Sternberg, enjoying each other's routines after years of marriage can produce intense emotions. It is like there are new and unexpected things that need to be in the process of never ending recognition.
Change your routine every now and then
Monotonous routines tend to get bored and quickly become obsolete. Like a script that has the same flow, change the routine every now and then so that the process of recognition remains 'alive'.
Make the 'difficult' partner go away
When the marriage starts to get bored, do strategies so that the 'difficult' partner leaves. Like taking a vacation to a foreign place together, which makes conversation, cooperation, and openness more meaningful.
Make sure you feel safe
Open communication and comfortable verbal speech keep a partner emotionally secure. That is, it is important to be a good listener and non-judgmental is the key to an intimate marriage.
We both need each other
Why each partner needs each other needs to be reflected over time. Because the lower the need, the weaker the closeness and satisfaction of the relationship.
The couple is in a special position
There are things that cannot be revealed to anyone other than your partner, this puts your partner's position as a special person. The model of communication with other people and partners will certainly be different. What can be discussed with a partner? Everything, both negative and positive.
Maintain emotional closeness
Emotional closeness is more than words and sex. This closeness can be maintained by physical touch, asking how you are after work, showing love, giving praise, being thoughtful, and paying extra attention.
How to make marriage more intimate above, can be practiced regardless of whether there is boredom.
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