JAKARTA - Aldi Taher was invited as a guest star in Tawa program, Canda Anya (Tanya) on WAW Entertainment's Youtube channel. Although it was the first time without further ado Aldi expressed its feelings to Anya Geraldine directly.

Aldi Taher mentions his desire to marry Anya Geraldine and it makes Anya shock instantly. "This is no guest star who said this before? Don't you want to marry me?" asked Adi to Anya.

Finding such a frontal question, Anya also claimed to be quite astonished. "In my life there has never been anyone who has just met said rich so. You're a bitch!" replied Anya refusing.

Not unyielding despite being rejected, Aldi still tries to win Anya's heart. He even offered Anya a watch that he wore as a gift. Then how did Anya react?

"It's for you, seriously. It's for you. If it's expensive I can't love it, seriously," Aldi said.

"No, no, I don't want to tell you to be bininya males," Anya said with a laugh.

Seeing how Aldi Taher proposed to Anya, warganet was turbulent. They're sorry to see Anya looking depressed throughout the show.

"Anya's face is depressed. In his heart when this is finished," wrote Rizal Fajri.

"Anya seenya rich jijij gituu.. be like "ni really freak siih".. wkwk," Idho wrote in Anya Geraldine's video comment column.

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