JAKARTA - Ketupat is a popular substitute for rice served during Eid. Usually juxtaposed with chicken opor, rendang, not infrequently sambal goreng kentang.
How to make ketupat is simple. The required ingredients are only 1 kind, but often fail and the texture is too hard or rice is not sticky with each other. Therefore, here's a quick review of the steps to make a soft, dense, and supple ketupat.
Prepare the basic ingredients
Ketupat made from white rice. You can process it from rice or rice that has been boiled but still pera. To make woven ketupat, prepare janur or young coconut leaves. Coconut leaves that are yellowish-white need to be discarded lidinya.
Use two sheets of janur, each sheet rolls three times. Then make a webbing from the two rolls and tidy it to make it firmer or no gaps. If you do not have time to make it or difficult to find the ingredients, woven ketupat can be purchased at the nearest market or supermarket.
Add rice
The first step, prepare ingredients such as coconut leaves or janur that have been chewed. Prepare the rice according to the woven janur as a ketupat wrapper, then soak for an hour. Wash the woven janur and fill one-third of the entire volume.
If you want to fill it with rice pera, fill as much as two-thirds of the volume of ketupat. Let stand while preparing the water in a saucepan. Put the raw ketupat in a saucepan of water and light a fire.
Cook until cooked
Cooking ketupat takes a long time. Moreover, ketupat made from rice or not boiled until pera. Ketupat will become denser after approximately boiling for 3 hours.

Another option to make a soft and dense textured ketupat can be cooked using a rice cooker. If using a rice cooker will automatically turn off when the water has evaporated. On the other hand, when cooking ketupat with a stove, it takes several times to be checked.
Remove and drain
When cooked, remove the ketupat and drain. The last step to make the ketupat feel supple and last more than 24 hours, flush with boiled water at cold temperatures. Well, this last way is often missed done so that ketupat can only last approximately 24 hours.
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