JAKARTA - Chicken opor becomes one of the mandatory menus served during Lebaran, because it is suitable to be eaten with ketupat. Don't know how to make it? Here's how to make a delicious chicken opor for Lebaran!

Ingredients: 1 chicken 1 liter of water 7 cloves garlic 15 cloves shallots 300 ml coconut milk 1 grain of hazelnuts 4 bay leaf leaves 2 sticks of lemongrass 1 segment turmeric 1 laos section Pepper powder to taste Salt to taste Sugar to taste

How to make: Wash the chicken and cut it accordingly. Puree onions, ginger, lemongrass, pecans, and turmeric separately. Sauté the ginger, hazelnuts, pecans, lemongrass, and bay leaves in a saucepan until fragrant. Add water. Stir well. Add the coconut milk slowly. Stir evenly and boil. Add chicken, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Stir evenly and boil. Turn down the heat and cover the pan. Cook for 2 hours or until the chicken is tender. Chicken opor is ready to be served!

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