JAKARTA - Fingers with long nails look tapering. But it turns out that long nails lead to health problems if they are not kept clean.
A study conducted by the Infectious Disease Society of America revealed that nails that are 3 millimeters longer carry harmful bacteria and fungi.
According to doctor Carol A. Kauffman, a researcher in the study, a person needs to wash their hands for 15 seconds to get rid of the germs under their nails. Because every day the hand is a very active member of the body and holds hundreds of objects when on the move.
Well, long nails can potentially cause the seven most common health problems. This is because it is the most comfortable place for germs and dirt to nest.
Health experts in the end agree that if you don't wash your hands thoroughly or keep them clean, it's better to cut your nails short. If you are one of those who like to lengthen your nails, pay close attention to cleanliness.
The following are health problems that can be experienced when nails are allowed to extend more than 1 millimeter from the fingertips.
Potentially injuredNails grow every month approximately 3.5 millimeters. This means that each day grows an average of 0.1 millimeters. If the nails are left long, of course the activity will be more limited. For example, cooking activities or pressing the keys of a device or laptop.
In fact, when doing soft motor activities such as buttoning clothes, opening or closing zippers can potentially get 'stuck' and then break and feel sore.
It is necessary to allocate time for maintaining nail hygieneStarting from cleaning the part that is hidden under the nails to washing your hands many times, it needs to be done every day to make sure it doesn't become a nest of germs and bacteria.
It's easier to get an infectionNot only are long nails more prone to infection, but artificial nails that are long or worn all day or more are also not good for your health.
Weakens the immune systemThe immune system works to fight bacterial, viral, and germ attacks. In order not to catch a disease that is easily transmitted, such as influenza, the immune system needs to work extra.
If you do not maintain or ensure clean nails, then the immune system can be weakened due to repeated attacks from the infection hiding behind the nails.

Nail biting is a familiar tendency to experience. Nail biting is known as nail biting or onychophagia. Usually, the feeling of 'resentment' wants to bite your nails if you let them lengthen. Apart from the potential for injury to the edge of the nail, it is also a bad habit.
To avoid the above risks, you need to trim your nails and keep them short. What's more, if you lengthen your nails, you need to clean frequently, for example by washing your hands and removing dirt that is hiding under your nails.
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