JAKARTA - Seafood is packed with healthy fats and protein. This is what makes seafood occupy a high position on the list of healthy foods. Unfortunately, seafood is often contaminated with bacteria and other chemicals so that some types of seafood are high in mercury.

This of course is bad news for health. The following are some types of seafood to watch out for, because they hide the dangers to health.


Oysters are one of the seafood most susceptible to contamination with toxins, bacteria and viruses from the water. This makes it a potential cause for food poisoning. If after eating oysters you feel nauseous, diarrhea, stomach cramps and weakness, these are symptoms of food poisoning.


Eating too many shellfish can cause the body to lose vitamin B1. Of course this is bad news, because B vitamins are very important for kidney function and digestion. Also, make sure to cook the clam meat properly. The high temperature helps destroy chemicals that pose a danger to thiamin or vitamin B1 levels.


Shrimp eat parasites and skin from dead animals, so this seafood can trigger allergies. In addition, shrimp also consume high levels of purines, substances that can cause arthritis.


Mackerel contains levels of mercury that are high enough to poison the nervous system. Therefore, it is not advisable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to eat this fish.

Bluefin tuna

Bluefin tuna has been known to contain high levels of mercury. So that this fish is quite dangerous for pregnant women. Mercury in fish can cross the placenta and damage the growth of the brain and nervous system of babies.

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