JAKARTA - Like saving money, being extravagant, and how to manage finances shape a person's personality in making decisions in his life. Even how to build relationships and be wise about future plans can relate to managing what you have.
Reporting from CNBC, Thursday, April 29, Ken Honda, author of Happy Money, identifies personality types based on how to manage money. Which one are you? Check out the 7 personality types below.
If you have the habit of setting aside money for savings without a final goal, then you are a saver or what is called the compulsive saver. Life savers are very frugal.
The people around him often ask for advice or often come to ask for financial assistance. However, the compulsive saver often does not appreciate his own hard work because he is reluctant to spend his money.
Love shopping
Often treat others with special, this is because they like shopping for things that are not necessary or like 'hungry eyes'. Finally giving gifts to people he knows for no apparent reason.
Not even on an important day, for example a birthday, someone who has the character of the compulsive splender gives and goes shopping. The negative thing is that a personality who likes to spend if he doesn't manage his money properly can reach the limit of spending and even debt.
Compulsive money seeker
Why is money important in building a person's personality? Because, someone has their own habits or hobbies. Including compulsive money seekers, money-oriented personalities can enter dangerous areas, personal life and work become one-sided.
Because his orientation is to increase wealth, he often neglects himself and builds warm relationships with those closest to him.
Money ignorance
Well, the personality that ignores money has both positive and negative sides, just like the previous personality. On the plus side, money is not the big thing that determines happiness. With enough money, the indifferent-to-money personality can determine his happiness.
However, the bad thing is, because it is too comfortable, so you don't pay attention to financial flows or become complacent so you don't know how to manage expenses properly.
The saver-splurger
The fifth personality type is a combination of a compulsive saver and a compulsive splender. At one time, he was diligent in saving money but finally gave up and drained his savings for shopping.
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When emotionally exhausted, a person with this personality can be compulsive or get a boost from feelings of disappointment and stress after a lot of savings.
The gambler
Like a 'gambler', someone with the personality of the gambler likes the sensation of being full of risks. Invest without strong judgment and shop for an unwarranted bet. If you don't control your emotions, the financial aspect can get worse and make it difficult for those closest to you.
The worrier
Getting a solution when experiencing the worst is probably one thing that is expected. However, always imagining the worst keeps someone from being wise. Because fear, anxiety has bad things, and anxiety will not make you happy.
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