JAKARTA - Two years of fighting as business partners, Medina Zein and Irwansyah finally ended peace. Medina's report was withdrawn after both parties agreed to take peaceful steps to resolve the problem.

Medina Zein's husband, Lukman Azhari accompanied by his attorney Machi Achmad, and attorney Irwansyah Zakir Rasyidi revealed this fact at a press conference in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, April 27.

"I will provide information and information regarding the peace between my client, Mrs. Medina Zein and Mr. Lukman Azhari, and all shareholders of PT Bandung Berkat Bersama," said Machi Ahmad, attorney of Medina Zein and Lukman Azhari.

"The peace took place on April 23, then followed by the withdrawal of the report on April 26, 2021, represented by Mr. Zakir Rasyidin as the attorney of PT Bandung Berkat Bersama and also one of the shareholders of Mr. Joanda Fitra Holid as the reporter whose report had also been revoked. at Polda Metro Jaya, "he continued.

Even though they were not present, Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar said they were relieved and could forgive each other. "My client, Pak Irwan and Mrs. Zaskia, cannot attend because there are activities that cannot be postponed and cannot be represented," said Zakir Rasyidin as attorney for Irwansyah and Zaskia Sungkar.

"As a lawyer, I convey that they have also opened their hearts to forgive each other for mistakes and misunderstandings that occurred some time ago," he continued.

Blessings of Ramadan

Lukman Azhari hopes that the peace that coincides with the holy month of Ramadan can provide lessons together.

"We also see a good momentum, namely the Holy month of Ramadan, a month full of grace and kindness, so we take this momentum first to have friendship, the second to forgive each other, the third to make peace," said Lukman Azhari. .

Lukman also emphasized that the problems that had occurred were used as life lessons for mutual introspection so that the future would be better.

"As for the past, we make it a material for self-sufficiency, self-introspection, self-evaluation, life experience, so that in the future we all become better individuals," said the husband of Medina Zein.

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