The Right Way And Quickly Eliminate Bad Breath
Illustration (Aaron Amat/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Bad breath is very disturbing. Bad breath comes from leftover bacteria that get stuck on the teeth when eating food. These bacteria will build up and if not cleaned immediately, will cause a bad smell. So, how do you get rid of bad breath?

Chew on the parsley leaves

Parsley leaves have a fresh aroma with high chlorophyll content so they are believed to eliminate bad breath. You can chew fresh parsley leaves or buy a dietary supplement that contains parsley.

Pineapple juice

Drink a glass of organic pineapple juice after meals to get rid of bad breath. Apart from juicing, you can also consume it directly by slicing it for 1 to 2 minutes and rinsing your mouth with sugar. It is widely believed by many to be the fastest and most effective cure.

Clean teeth

To get rid of plaque which is the main source of bad breath, you can brush your teeth regularly twice a day or after every meal. Use fluoridated toothpaste and a toothbrush for two minutes to make sure the bacteria in the mouth has completely disappeared. Use dental floss to clean food debris stuck in the gaps of the teeth.


Research shows that yogurt can also help reduce bad breath by consuming it for six weeks. The probiotics in yogurt are effective at reducing bad breath severity. You can eat at least one serving of nonfat yogurt per day.


Who would have thought that milk can also get rid of bad breath. You can drink low-fat milk after consuming strong smelling foods such as garlic, onions and onions to prevent bad breath.

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