JAKARTA - The month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr has always been a special moment for the people of Indonesia. Apart from being a time to increase spirituality, this holy month is also synonymous with the tradition of sharing happiness with loved ones.

One form of expression of affection that is increasingly in demand is giving gifts in the form of gold jewelry and diamonds.

As a leading jewelry brand in Indonesia, The Palace Jeweler understands this tradition very well and presents a campaign titled 'The Art of Giving'. This campaign invites the public to give meaningful gifts to loved ones in the form of jewelry that has long-term investment value.

According to Winley Melita, Brand Manager of The Palace Jeweler, this campaign is in line with the habits of Indonesians who like to give gifts to their loved ones during the month of Ramadan and Eid.

"The momentum of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr is the right moment to give special gifts in the form of diamond jewelry and gold jewelry to those closest to us," said Winny, when met on Jl. Raya Casablanca, South Jakarta on Wednesday, March 19.

He also emphasized that jewelry is a form of gift that is timeless and can be passed on to the next generation.

"Cery is one of the special gift ideas that can be given to loved ones, because it is timeless and can be passed down to grandchildren," he said.

Meanwhile, Chikita Rosemarie, PR Manager of PT Central Mega Kencana added that Ramadan and Eid is the right time to share happiness with family, relatives, and friends.

"The Indonesian people like to share during Eid, want to make their closest people happy," added Chikita.

Furthermore, Chikita also explained financially, the moment of Ramadan is the ideal time for people to invest in gold and precious metals, especially when they get the holiday allowance (THR).

"This is the right moment because people get THR which can be used to buy gold or precious metals. Instead of THR being used only to buy goods with low intrinsic value, it is better to buy gold or antam which clearly has high value." he said.

As part of the 'The Art of Giving' campaign, The Palace Jeweler again held a jewelry exhibition titled 'PANAS HALU' (Extraordinary Price Jewelry Exhibition) which took place from March 19 to April 13, 2025 at the Kota Kasablanka Mall, Jakarta.

This exhibition was first held in 2023 and continues to grow into an annual event awaited by jewelry lovers. This year, The Palace Jeweler presents a variety of jewelry collections at special prices and a variety of interesting activities that visitors can enjoy.

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