JAKARTA - Paula Verhoeven expressed her complaint during the trial regarding the difficulty of meeting her children. Her attorney, Alvon Kurnia Palma, said that for more than five months, the children were not with Paula.

"For example, if I just want to say yes, until now it has been more than 5 months, the children are not with Paula. That's what Paula said in court," said Alvon Kurnia Palma at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday, February 19.

It is known that the children are currently with Baim Wong in Yogyakarta over the past few weeks. This has an impact on their school activities and makes Paula unable to meet them in the school environment as usual.

"Currently it's probably been three weeks, the children are with their father in Jogja. So the children don't go to school, so Paula can't wait for Paula's children at school. So, that's actually what's related to the question earlier, there hasn't been any talk," said Alvon.

Despite facing a difficult situation, Paula did not file any demands at Baim Wong. The main focus now is the interests and welfare of children.

"(There are no demands) At this time, Paula is just concentrating on how it is for the benefit of the child," he said.

Paula also emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations between parents for their children.

"That's what it means at any time, Paula always says that, please tell me that her parents, mom and dad are good people. That's all," he said.

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