JAKARTA - Foods consumed have an influence on sexual arousal. Healthy eating patterns can improve sexual life, ranging from sex drive, hormonal balance, energy level, to fertility.

However, there are also foods that will have a negative impact if consumed before making love, one of which reduces enthusiasm. This is a row of foods that should not be consumed before making love, quoted from The Healthy.

Nuts, lentils, beans, and other types of nuts can cause digestive discomfort. This happens because nuts contain fiber and sugar that the human body cannot digest quickly and in a normal way. If you eat it before making love, the effect can be annoying.

Foods containing carbohydrates in bread, pasta, and potatoes contain simple sugars. Generally, the content of carbohydraat sends a jump in direct energy into the body's system.

However, according to the American Heart Association, the increase did not last long. This simple carbohydrate tends to make fatigue after a rapid energy spike, which will interfere when having sex.

Some red meat may make sex arousal decrease. This is because the fat contained in it is difficult to digest by the body.

To help the digestive process, the body puts more energy into the gastrointestinal system, and too much fat can cause digestive disorders.

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