YOGYAKARTA Prilly Latuconsina admits that her young couple and best friend, Angga Yunanda and Shenina Cinnamon, are depicting a couple whose love is the same, healthy and sweet. Through the latest portrait upload, Prilly appears to be present with her lover. The following is a portrait of Prilly Latuconsina with Omara Esteghlal attending a wedding reception in Bali.

"Hopefully it will follow quickly, Prill", wrote one of the netizens' comments. Angga and Shenina's wedding reception was held in Bali on Monday, February 10, 2025. Prilly and Omara are one of the artist pairs invited to witness the bride and groom at the aisle.

Prilly Latuconsina uploaded a series of portraits recording moments of her presence at Angga and Shenina's wedding. Prilly was seen carrying a bouquet of flowers and taking pictures with her lover on the stage of the married bride.

Prilly wore an elegant black strapless dress with a high closing to her thigh. Meanwhile, Omar wore a black suit, complete with a vest and white shirt and tie. You can see a mini clip held by Prilly. This couple is open public about her dating relationship since January earlier this year.

At the moment of flower toss, or Western traditions commonly performed in weddings, the bride threw a bouquet of flowers at the women present. Prilly seemed to be getting ready to catch the flowers thrown by the bride.

In his relationship with Omar, Prilly admitted, his prayer was answered. He admitted that he wanted to have a relationship that had equal, healthy, and sweet love. Prilly caught the flower shirt toss. Prayers of netizens in the comments column, Prilly Latuconsina and Omara Esteghlal immediately followed to the aisle.

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