JAKARTA - The determinant of pregnancy is fertility and productive period in women. Both can be recognized easily through the successive menstrual cycle and fertility cycle.

Pregnancy after 35 years of age may still be common. But at the age of 45 years and over, the risks experienced are not as simple as imagined. Pregnancy at an advanced age or known as advance maternal age will be more difficult to get the chance to get pregnant.

So, what can be done quickly to get pregnant at the age of 45? As a discourse on productive period, the average woman in Indonesia experiences menopause at the age of 46 to 54 years. This means that as long as it is not yet menopausal, you can still experience a natural pregnancy or without in vitro fertilization.

How to get pregnant fast. Maintain a healthy body

In general, the body's health needs to be prepared before welcoming pregnancy. In particular, the mother needs to keep blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol normal. In addition, expectant mothers also need to have a safe weight to prepare for the growth of the fetus in the womb.

Plan a program

Waiting means wasting more time. Because pregnancy is biologically dependent on fertility, which is none other than fertile age, so plan a pregnancy program carefully.

Know the magnitude of the opportunities and risks that may occur if you are pregnant in advance maternal age. Try consulting a gynecologist for the best advice.

Routine consumption of foods containing folic acid

This does not mean that after regularly containing folic acid, you will immediately become pregnant. Folic acid is a nutrient that helps the body prepare reproductive hormones, especially preparing uterine fertility, fetal health, and breast milk.

What foods contain folate that is good for female fertility? These include pomegranate, avocado, eggs, sardines, walnuts and sweet potatoes.

Calculate your menstrual cycle

The most appropriate time of fruiting is when it is fertile. So, when planning a pregnancy, first know when the fertile period is and when is the smallest possibility for conception. The fertile period in women on average occurs on days 10 to 17 after the last menstrual day.

Because every woman has a different cycle, it is very important to calculate it. From the menstrual cycle can also be used to calculate the period of pregnancy.

Apart from preparing the health of the prospective mother, the reproductive health of the prospective father also needs to be considered. Even though a man's sperm count a lot every time he gets an erection during penetration, only the best quality sperm can fertilize an egg.

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