JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) published the Indonesian History Dictionary Volume I. This dictionary is of concern because it removes the name of the founder of Nahdatul Ulama (NU) Kiai Haji Hasyim Asy'ari. On the other hand, the names of communist figures such as DN Aidit and Darsono Notosudirjo are in the dictionary.

So, how did KH Hasyim Asy'ari actually do that which earned him the title of hero? What makes this Grandpa Gus Dur must be respected and remembered? Footage of his struggle has been visualized in the film Sang Kiai.

This colossal film, which depicts the story of the struggle of the charismatic cleric of the Tebuireng Islamic boarding school, Jombang, East Java, Hadratussyaikh Hasyim Asy'ari, was released in 2013. Hasyim became a key figure in mobilizing the students to win and defend independence.

The film by Rako Prijanto also addresses the roles and struggles of the Kiai in the era of 1942 to 1947 through his Jihad Resolution and the struggles of the people around him. KH Wahid Hasyim, the son of the Kiai, together with the students, who were commanded by Harun, tried to find a way out in their own way to free the Kiai from being captured by Japanese soldiers.

The way of diplomacy carried out by the son of the Kiai is very different from Harun, who prefers the emotional way of young people who are fiery. A strong determination to defend religion and the nation which was torn apart by the invaders, encouraged Harun and his two friends, Hamzah and Abdi to fight their way to Surabaya.

In the film Sang Kiai, KH Hasyim Asy'ari is depicted as having to be locked up in prison for his faith. After his release, KH Hasyim Asy'ari helped Indonesia's struggle through his thoughts and teachings.

Fight for the interests of the people through diplomacy. KH Hasyim Asy'ari was included in an organization formed by Japan, as well as being its chairman to fight for independence.

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