Know The Dangers Of Eating Fried For Health
Illustration (Luke / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Eating fried foods seems to have become part of Indonesian society. There are various types of snacks that are commonly called fried foods, from tofu, cireng, combro, risoles, to spring rolls. Fried snacks are usually selling well during the month of Ramadan because they are hunted to be used as a menu for breaking the fast. Not to mention the fried side dishes such as chicken, fish, duck, tofu and tempeh, and eggs.

Indeed, most fried foods are more appetizing. Usually it gets crunchier and tastier. Take chicken, for example, people are more likely to be tempted by fried chicken than boiled chicken. The reason is, in terms of meat texture, color, and smell, it makes people more interested.

But unfortunately, this delicious food is often inversely proportional to the level of health, right? Most eating fried foods is completely unhealthy and certainly has a bad effect on your body. To make your food choices wiser, here are some of the dangers of fried food for health:

High in calories

Even in foods that are initially healthy and low in calories, when you cook with a frying process, the calories automatically increase. Especially if the food ingredients are coated with flour. The calories will be higher.

For example, knowing if it's just steamed is actually quite low in calories, but when it is filled with vermicelli, coated in flour, and fried, of course, the calorie count goes a long way. Another example, for example bananas, eaten directly is already very good. However, if you add flour, sugar, fry it, then eat it with brown sauce, you might only harvest disease.


Fried foods are delicious, but they should not be consumed on a daily basis. The reason is that it can increase the risk of obesity because there is too much trans fat in foods that are fried at high temperatures. In essence, trans fats make food difficult for the body to digest and increase the risk of various chronic diseases.

Maybe you don't realize, but often eating fried foods can be the reason why you continue to gain weight even though you feel you only eat a little.

Heart disease

Fried foods can also cause high blood pressure and ultimately increase the risk of heart disease. The more often you eat fried foods, the higher the risk of heart disease.

As an illustration, women who eat one or more fried fish per week have a 48 percent higher risk of heart failure when compared to women who eat fried foods 1-3 times per month. People with a lower risk of heart disease are those who regularly eat vegetables and fruits.


When it comes to fried food, the name diabetes will always come up. The problem is that people who often eat fast food are more susceptible to diabetes.

According to research by the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, people who eat fried foods once a week can increase their risk of type two diabetes. The more and more often, the higher the risk.

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