JAKARTA - Baim Wong's side through his attorney, Fahmi Bachmid, responded again regarding Paula Verhoeven's statement that it was difficult to meet children.

Fahmi emphasized that Baim did not make it difficult for Paula to meet her child, but her son did not want to meet his mother.

"Yes, it is not difficult if the child does not want his child's childhood to be forced," said Fahmi Bachmid at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Wednesday, February 5.

He suggested that if Paula really wanted to meet, her children would be treated first, given that there was psychological trauma in her two children.

"If the child doesn't want to be forced when he is forced, if he loves the child, don't force it, just flow. Come, be teased, patched, loved, don't let the child become traumatized," said Fahmi.

He said Baim was always open 24 hours to invite Paula to meet his children.

"It's strange that a child is afraid of his mother, what's wrong? Keep blaming the child himself, it's 24 hours open, please come," he asked.

Previously, Baim had made an effort to take his two children to Paula Verhoeven, but it was her children who didn't want to.

"Even Baim had made an effort to bring the child but his son didn't want to, there was a video. Delivered by Baim and his two, after that his son didn't want to. Come back to Baim, cry again, even at school he cried again," explained Fahmi.

Fahmi asked that his client's child not be used as an object like an item that could be forced and given to other people.

"The child has the rights, he is a human being, not an object that is forced to force him. So it is no longer the time, the child must be forced, must be sent, is he indeed an object? Sent using a motorcycle taxi, can't you, ask the child, whether you want it or not? The child is being teased," he said.

Baim Wong (Instagram @baimwong)

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