JAKARTA - Rizky Billar explained that regarding the current condition of his wife, Lesti Kejora, who had just given birth to their second child, who was a girl.
"Now it's better but we still have to stay at home. It's still in the middle of recovery, so it's still a bit deep in his stomach, so while the shop is still closed," said Rizky Billar in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
Because for her second child, Lesti again underwent a cesarean premature delivery after being advised by a doctor.
"Caesar, right, was born premature. ideally, it was actually born on February 18th, only had one opening on January 1, had a contraction in his mother," continued Rizky Billar.
After the delivery, their second daughter also still had to undergo special treatment
"Thank God, even though there was a special handling for this baby L," he explained.
"There was a special treatment because he was said to be 36 years premature, but thankfully after treatment he started to improve and was brought home," added Billar.
Untuk berat dan panjang, diakui oleh Billar kalau putri keduanya lebih berat dan panjang daripada sang iskak Levian.
"If it's heavier, it's heavier than my brother, my brother used to be 2.2, because he's older when he's 34 weeks old, he's 36 weeks old, but at the same age he's still heavier, in 32 weeks he was 2.5 kg, when he was born 2.9 kg, and a bit longer," he said.
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