JAKARTA - Happiness is being felt by the couple Lesti Kejora and Rizky Billar who just welcomed their second child on January 25 yesterday.
He is grateful that the delivery process can run smoothly even though there must be special treatment for his second daughter.
"(Persalinan) Lancar alhamdulillah, even though there was a special treatment for this baby L,"
"There was a special treatment because he was said to be 36 years premature but thankfully after being injured he started to improve and has been brought home," said Rizky Billar in Cilandak, South Jakarta, Friday, January 31.
Therefore, Rizky Billar said his daughter was specially cared for by caregivers who had certification to take care of newborns.
"If it's to take care of us, we haveASHes, who are already experienced, have certification to take care of baby newborn, besides that, the mother has quite experience and is tired,"
Even so, he emphasized that Lesti Kejora was still carrying out her obligations as a mother.
"Actually, I take care of it more with my mother, sometimes sometimes I take care of it", he explained.
Again blessed with children, Rizky Billar said that he had to experience staying up late again.
"But indeed for this newborn baby, yes, and likes to stay up late, so that day he likes to play, eh sorry for sleeping, the night he stayed up late, so this morning I slept at 6 am," explained Rizky Billar.
"So the mother accompanied me to look after it, finally I stayed up late. That's why I didn't play optimally," added Rizky Billar.
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