Ibrahim realized that he and Salsabilla were both busy with their respective activities in the film world so they chose to focus on their work first.
"Currently we are both busy, respectively. Salsha is busy filming, I'm also busy promoting films," Ibrahim was quoted as saying by VOI from YouTube Intense Investigation, Sunday, February 2.
Furthermore, Ibrahim still feels that he wants to enjoy togetherness with his wife by halal dating.
"Yes, so far we still want to date halal first," said Ibrahim Risyad.
However, the two of them actually didn't want to postpone the baby and put the results to God.
"Tapi kalau misalnya memang dikasih (momongan) cepat, ya kenapa enggak," tambah Ibrahim.
"Usually we both go to watch, because coincidentally we both really like watching, so we can share about films," he said.
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