JAKARTA - Actor Choo Young Woo is being discussed because of his satisfactory acting in the series The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call. However, the popularity coincided with the controversy involving his name.

Choo Young Woo's social media became a concern after he followed a problematic YouTuber's social media account. The YouTuber in question is KUBIN which has 435 thousand subscribers on YouTube.

After this news was crowded, Choo Young Woo immediately stopped following or unfollowed the social media account.

This news became controversial because KUBIN often used the title in sharing the videos he uploaded. The title used is related to sexual.

Choo Young Woo himself did not comment or make a statement about the news, but netizens commented on the actor's social media activities which were of concern.

"He's very transparent," wrote one netizen.

"Most of the thumbnails are now just clickbait, this is outrageous," said another.

Choo Young Woo became popular after acting in the drama The Tale of Lady Ok and The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call. The character difference between the newly released drama shows Young Woo's ability as an actor.

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