Zoe Salda Badminton has opened her voice for the first time since Karla Sofia Gascon's racist tweet was revealed this week. Both of them are co-stars in the Emilia Perez film which led them to receive an Oscar 2025 nomination.
"I'm still processing everything that's been going on for a few days and I'm sad. It makes me sad because I don't support and I have zero tolerance for negative rhetoric for humans in any group," Zoe Salda said.
I can only prove with the experience I have and every individual who is part of the film, and my experience and interaction with them is about inclusive, collaboration, culture, racial, and gender balance and it's sad for me. It's sad because we're facing this now," he continued.
The opportunity was used by Saldana to thank the audience who still support the film in the midst of the existing controversy.
"But I am happy that you are here and still show support for Emilia because the message of this film is very strong and changes can bring an important side of the community. And we are all here to tell this story," said Zoe Saldana.
"We will continue to spread the message, that's all we can say now, thank you," closed Zoe Saldana.
Karla Sofia Gascon became the center of controversy after a tweet on her X circulated. He tweeted his perspective on Islam, George Floyd, to comment on the Oscar event which was held during the COVID-19 pandemic.
I want to talk about conversations related to social media posts that make people sick. As someone in the marginal community, I know this suffering and I am very sorry to those who are hurt. My whole life, I'm betting on a better world, "wrote Karla Sofia Gascon.
Zoe Saldana and Karla Sofia Gascon were nominated for Oscar thanks to the 13-category Emilia Perez film.
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