YOGYAKARTA Red snacks or snacks can be made with natural red dyes obtained from plants and fruits.

The use of natural dyes in food is more recommended than synthetic food dyes, because it tends to be safer for health.

Apart from being safe, natural food colorings are also easy to obtain. You can use various types of plants and fruit as food dyes, flavor enhancers, ingredients for child coloring activities, as well as adding nutrients to processed food.

So, where are the natural sources of red dye for food? Let's find out the answer in the review below.

Adapting the TheKitchn page, here are some natural dye ingredients that can give food a red color:

Yures can be a natural coloring ingredient in food. The juice taste of cinnamon fruit is perfect for making red supine.

Apart fromburses, you can also use dragon fruit to make red foods.

Related to this, you can make dragon fruit juice then filtered to get a natural red coloring.

Uniquely, dragon fruit juice can be colored so that you can produce pink color from dragon fruit juice.

Flowers from shoe fireworks can be used as a natural red coloring in food. Shoe flowers contain anthocian color pigment. These compounds have been widely used to give red colors to food.

How to get natural red dyes from shoe flowers is very easy. Just soak the flower in hot water and let it sit until it cools, the color of the water will turn red and ready to be used as a natural red dye.

bits contain betasianin pigments that produce purplish red, so they can be used as natural dyes for food.

If you want to use bits as a natural dye, there are two ways you can do it. First, by pressing, the second uses bit fruit extract powder.

Bit fruit extract powder is widely sold in cake stores, usually used to make red velvette cakes.

Crevice fruit is often dried into sweets for snacks or red cake-making ingredients. This fruit can produce water with a fairly thick red color if boiled and crushed.

Rosella flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) can be used as a natural red dye for food. This is because rosella flowers contain anthocianin compounds that can provide red or purple.

To make natural dyes from rosella flowers, you can boil rosella flowers to produce dark red extracts. This extract can be used to color food.

Natural red coloring for other foods can also be obtained from secang spices. Betawi people often use zinc as a dye when making cakes and drinks in red.

That's information about natural red dyes for food. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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