JAKARTA - The Asia Pacific region, with its climate, ecosystem and economy diversity, is very vulnerable to the impact of climate change. With rising extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, and uncertain planting seasons, traditional agricultural practices are experiencing difficulties in adapting, thus threatening food security for millions of people.

More than 370 million people in this region are already facing the problem of malnutrition, and the situation is getting worse due to climate disruption that threatens agricultural productivity. Now, more than ever, we need a bold solution and the role of women across the Asia Pacific is leading this move.

Through innovation, technology, and sustainable practice, female entrepreneurs are changing the future of food security and resilience to climate change. Through the Bayer Foundation Women Empowerment Award, which is supported by Impact Hub, it supports the pioneers of this change along with their innovations in the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The following is a review of MacKenzie King, Regional Coordinator, Asia-Pacific.

FoodCycle: Reviewing Food Waste As A Resource

Food crisis and food waste are two sides of the same coin in the Asia Pacific region. On the one hand, millions of people suffer from hunger, while on the other hand, millions of tons of food are wasted every year. This is a surprising paradox. What if excess food can be reused as a resource as a tool to fight hunger, while protecting the earth?

In Indonesia, Astrid Paramita does this. Through her organization, FoodCycle, Astrid saves excess food that should be thrown away and distributes it to those who need it the most. To date, FoodCycle has saved more than 800 tons of food, providing nutritional intake to more than thirty thousand people every month. Innovatively, unconsumption-worthy foods are used as feed for black army fly larvae (Black Soldier Fly/BSF), which are then used as a source of feed for fish farms in urban areas targeting food security at various levels.

Astrid's approach is simple but has a big impact. Overcoming hunger is not only about producing more food, but also about utilizing what we already have more efficiently. By bridging the gap between food surpluses and food scarcity, FoodCycle not only fights hunger, but also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, making it a model for building a more sustainable and fair food system.

AtoANI Agriventures: Precision Agriculture For Climate Resilience

Farmers in Asia Pacific are at the forefront of facing climate change. With the population continuing to grow and the season becoming increasingly uncertain, traditional agricultural practices are no longer able to guarantee the future of food. To adapt, farmers need new tools new data and technology' that can help them make smarter and more informed decisions.

Maria Wilvenna Anora, founder of AtoANI Agrivrentures in the Philippines, made this happen. With the latest data, AtoANI helps farmers adjust their crop production to market demand, ensuring they grow the right crops at the right time. This precision agricultural model has succeeded in reducing yield waste from 209 of its partner farmers, which initially amounted to 20% to only 0-5%. In addition, AtoANI also supports farmers to switch from monocultural planting systems to more diverse and sustainable agricultural methods.

However, AtoANI's innovation does not stop only in agriculture. AtoANI also ensures that the supply of high-quality products planted in a sustainable manner, both for individuals and corporate clients, remains stable. The data-based agricultural system is indeed a very effective tool in joint efforts to reduce food waste and preserve the environment.

Eco-Uling: Transforming Coconut Waste Into Renewable Energy

Demand for energy continues to increase, so the need for sustainable alternative fuels is increasingly pressing in Asia Pacific and around the world. Aya Fernandez faces this challenge directly through Eco-Iling, its social venture in the Philippines, which turns greenhouse gas-causing coconut waste into environmentally friendly charcoal to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, combat deforestation, and reduce emissions. dangerous and pollution from discarded coconut shells.

Eco-Uling's flagship product, the charcoal briquette made of coconut shells, is a form of a strong commitment to sustainability and quality. Briketini can burn for up to six hours, produce minimal smoke, and produce twice the heat compared to traditional wood charcoal. This Briket offers a cleaner, safer, and more cost-effective alternative for households and businesses.

Each ton of environmentally friendly charcoal produced can save about 88 trees. This innovative solution of Aya also creates jobs and encourages social inclusion by providing opportunities for more than 250 people with disabilities through a partnership with the Tagang Walang Hagdanan Foundation.

By closing the cycle between waste and energy, Eco-Uling contributes to a cleaner and greener future, while overcoming social equality and economic development. This is an inspiring example of how alternative green energy solutions can benefit society and the planet.

Happy Ground: Reviving Soil Health

Through Regenerative Agriculture A third of the world's land is experiencing moderate to severe degradation, which endangers vital ecosystems that support biodiversity. Without healthy soil, our food security is threatened. Moh Suthasany, founder of Happy Ground in Thailand, overcomes this challenge by using biochar' a carbon-rich material made of coconut waste to restore soil health. Biochar increases soil fertility, water absorption, and agricultural resilience in the long term. Using biochar, farmers experience an increase in harvest as well as gain the opportunity to generate income through carbon credit.

Through their platform, Happy Grocers, farmers who practice regenerative practices, including the use of environmentally friendly charcoal, can connect with consumers who care about the environment. This creates a sustainable value chain that supports responsible agricultural practices. Happy Grocers brings consumers closer to their food, as well as with stories of farmers, providing education and empathy. In addition, this platform provides market opportunities for farmers to support their transition to organic agriculture. This approach builds a support framework through innovative solutions that restore soil health while providing healthy organic food for consumers.

Steps Ahead: Supporting Innovation Led By Women For A Sustainable Future

When the Asia Pacific region faces urgent challenges due to climate change and food insecurity, it is very important to recognize and support the leadership of female innovators. From precision agriculture and renewable energy to regenerative food and agricultural waste management solutions, these women are reformulating the concept of sustainability and resilience for the region.

The Bayer Foundation Women Empowerment Award is dedicated to accelerating this transformation by providing connections, funds, and visibility for female entrepreneurs who make changes. Registration for the 5th edition of this award has now opened. Join us in supporting the carriers of change who lead the path to a more resilient and sustainable future for all.

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