YOGYAKARTA The pregnancy program is a series of activities carried out to increase the chances of pregnancy. The pregnancy program is carried out by married couples who have difficulty having children. This program is run with medical assistance or in other natural ways. For those of you who plan to have children, know all kinds of pregnancy programs.

Currently, there are many kinds of promotions that can be made by husband and wife. Here are some promotions that can be done.

The most common natural pregnancy program is to have sex when a woman is in her fertile period. This program is usually carried out for approximately 3 months. To do so, women must know when the fertile period is. Meanwhile, in terms of men, they must improve their lifestyle, including eating nutritious food to improve sperm quality.

This method can be done under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, doctors will also provide support through drugs.

Another program that can be done is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or more familiarly called IVF. This program is carried out with the help of a doctor who will take the wife's eggs and her husband's sperm cells, then put them in a container to meet. After fertilization occurs, one egg will be placed again in the women's womb. The pregnancy process can be continued in the uterus.

Doctors will do therapy that focuses on their wives. Sperma will be taken and then carried out a series of medical actions, then channeled to the uterus in order to be able to fertilize the egg. This program is usually carried out if the wife has a fertile period, or in terms of men having certain disorders such as impotence, anatomical abnormalities of the penis, and so on.

This program was chosen by people who are uncomfortable with IVM. IVM is carried out on women who are at high risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome or complications that occur due to fertility treatment. IVM is done by taking young eggs which are then matured in the laboratory.

This program is carried out to stimulate ovulation to women, namely the release of eggs from the protection. This program is carried out by taking drugs to stimulate the release of eggs. In addition, drugs also help add mature egg cells. That way the chances of pregnancy will be higher.

This pregnancy program provides treatment to men. ICSI is carried out for husbands who have too little or no good movement. This program is carried out by referring sperm to eggs carried out in the laboratory. The procedure is similar to IVF so that it can be combined with the program.

Those are all kinds of pregnancy programs. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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