A balanced diet can help in various ways, namely increasing libido, improving blood circulation and heart health, and increasing stamina.
Consuming foods rich in fatless vegetables and proteins and reducing high-fat and saturated fat foods can also help prevent disturbances that have an impact on libido, such as metabolic syndrome and hormonal imbalance.
Here are 5 foods that can increase sexual arousal and also support health as a whole, as reported by VOI from the Healthline page on Thursday, January 30.
Tiram is known as an aphrodisiac food, and it's not just a myth. The zinc (zinc) content in astronomers is very high, which plays a role in increasing blood flow to the sexual organs.
Zinc is also important for male fertility because it helps regulate testosterone levels. Lack of zinc can have a negative impact on these hormones. In one portion ofmission, you can get up to 673% of zinc's daily needs.
If you don't like Tires, some other high zinc food alternatives are lobsters and crabs, beef, roast beans, labu seeds, and zinc-enriched Goods.
Consumption of protein-rich meat can help improve sex life because it contains amino acids such as carnitin, L-arginin, and zinc. These three compounds play a role in increasing blood flow, which is essential for sexual response in both men and women. Some studies have shown that arginine supplements can help overcome mild to moderate erectile dysfunctions.
However, keep in mind that excessive consumption of red meat can have a bad impact on the heart. If you want to get these benefits without eating meat, you can get amino acids and zinc from milk, cheese, and whole wheat.
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which play a role in maintaining heart health and increasing blood flow. Other fatty fish such as sardines, tuna, and halibut also have similar benefits.
Omega-3 helps prevent plaque buildup in blood vessels, which can reduce the risk of sexual disorders due to poor blood flow. In addition, salmon is also a good source for protein, vitamin B12 and D, iron, and zinc.
To keep the body and heart healthy, the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) recommends fish consumption at least twice a week.
Instead of snacking on candy, try switching to nuts and seeds rich in nutrients. Nuts and almonds contain a lot of zinc, while various other types of nuts contain L-arginin which helps increase blood flow.
Some of the good choices for your sexual health are walnuts, crab seeds, sunflower seeds, pexan, hazelnuts, and peanuts. Walnuts have double benefits because they are also rich in omega-3.
Apples contain quercetin, a type of flavonoid antioxidants that have various health benefits. In terms of sexuality, quercetin plays a role in increasing blood circulation, helping to overcome erectile dysfunction, and managing prostateitis symptoms.
High blood pressure can interfere with blood flow to the intimate organs, which can cause erectile dysfunction in men and lower arousal in women. Regular consumption of flavonoid-rich foods can help reduce this risk.
Some other foods that are also rich in flavonoids are strawberries, blueberries, dark wine, red wine (wine), cherries, and oranges.
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