YOGYAKARTA - Fermented foods have been part of human culture for thousands of years, and are believed to be efficacious in treating various diseases. So, what are fermented foods that are easy to make?
If you're interested in trying to make your own fermented food at home, there are many choices that are easy and safe to try.
In this article, we will discuss some of the simplest and most popular fermented foods that you can easily make in your own kitchen.
Reporting from the Real Simple page, here are some culinary delights from several countries that are fermented foods that you can try to make at home:
Kefir is a fermented milk drink that tastes like a very sour yogurt drink. Kefir has more probiotics and protein than yogurt in general, and can be made with cow's milk or alternatives such as almond milk or coconut milk.
Sauerkraut is a super German food made from fermented cabbage, which is commonly eaten at summer BBQ events as a hot dog topping. Interestingly, sauerkraut is naturally fermented with cabbage in salt water which is full of probiotics, fiber, and vitamins that are good for the intestines.
Based on a study, it was even found that one batch of sauerkraut contained more than 220 strains of healthy bacteria for different intestines.
Also read the article that discusses Is Fermentation Halal, What Is The Law According To Islam?
RICH is a staple of Korean cuisine made from fermented cabbage and with a number of other fermented vegetables, as well as fermented fish.
Kimchi has many health benefits that are the same as sauerkraut, including useful probiotics plus spicy taste from traditional ginger, garlic, and gochujang (Korean chili market) mixtures. Kimchi is a very flavored addition to each dish with many healthy nutrients.
Most people are familiar with tofu, light soybean products, made from cooked soybeans and compressed. Tempe, on the other hand, is made of fermented whole soybeans but can be used as a substitute for tofu in many recipes.
To make tempeh, soybeans are fermented and then formed into solid cakes that can be synthesized, roasted, or billed. The fermentation process decomposes soybean protein into amino acids that the body can use more easily, to make tempeh a source of strong plant nutrition.
Kombucha is a slightly soda drink made from a mixture of fermented sugar and tea and turned into a commbucha by the symbiotic culture of living bacteria and yeast (S.C.O.B.Y.).
This delicious besam tea is easy to find in most shops or online, and comes in a variety of pleasant flavors and varieties. It can even be used as a cocktail mix!
In addition to probiotics, kombucha has additional health benefits due to polyphenols in green or black tea made from it. Polifenol is present in all tea, but the fermentation process increases its potential, making the combucha a strong source of antioxidants.
All yogurt is a fermented dairy product made by adding bacteria to heated milk and leaving it for a few hours to react.
The reaction can convert lactose (ble) into lactic acid so that it becomes thick and acidic.
Therefore, yogurt originating from cow's milk is a very good source of probiotics for diverse and growing microbiomes. In addition, yogurt is also high in protein and minerals such as potassium and calcium.
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