JAKARTA - Bunga Citra Lestari or BCL is again stealing attention with her new hairstyle. This time he appeared with a stunning blonde curl bixie hairstyle.

He shared BCL's appearance with this new hairstyle on his Instagram account on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. BCL used this hairstyle to be one of the judges in the talent search event, Indonesian's Idol.

Previously, BCL stole the show by cutting his hair short into a BOB Pixie, and was marked with light aka blobe. Then most recently he added a curly style to his hair.

BCL's appearance with a bixie blob curl hairstyle immediately stole the public's attention, especially when he used charming facial makeup. The makeup combines a beautiful eyeliner with long eyelashes, as well as a gray contact lens so that the eye viewer looks more lively.

Not only that, the clothes worn by BCL also reap public attention. He wears a bright yellow dress, which matches his hair color very well.

BCL's latest appearance made him reap a lot of praise comments. Some netizens also mentioned that Bixie blob curl BCL's hairstyle is similar to Rose BLACKPINK's hairstyle in his solo video music with Bruno Mars, APT.

"I'm really beautiful, proof of age is just numbers," commented netizens.

"Similar to the Rose APT APT," said another.

"It's really fresh, beautiful," added another.

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