YOGYAKARTA - Knowing muscle mass is very important for those who want to improve body fitness, increase muscle mass, or just understand their body composition. How to calculate muscle mass can be done with various methods, both simple and more scientific. This article will discuss several methods commonly used to accurately measure muscle mass.

Why Is Accounting For Muscle Masses Important?

Muscle mass is an important health indicator, especially for athletes, bodybuilders, or anyone who wants to improve body fitness. By knowing muscle mass, a person can adjust their diet and exercise properly to achieve their fitness goals. In addition, maintaining a healthy muscle mass can help increase metabolism, strengthen bones, and reduce the risk of injury.

Here are some of the methods commonly used to calculate muscle mass:

The BIA method is one of the easiest and most popular ways to measure muscle mass. This tool works by sending small electrical currents through the body to measure tissue resistance. Because muscles contain more water than fat, BIA can estimate the percentage of muscles in the body.

DEXA is a more accurate method in measuring muscle mass. This technology uses X-rays to measure body composition, including muscle mass, fat, and bone density. However, this method is more expensive and is usually only available at certain health clinics or gyms.

This method involves using a caliper tool to measure the thickness of skin folding in various parts of the body. With a specific formula, measurement results can be converted into a percentage of body fat, which can then be used to estimate a person's muscle mass.

One can also use a simple formula to calculate muscle mass based on total weight and body fat percentage. The formula is:

Muscle Mass = Total Weight - (Heavy Body Total x Body Fat Percentase)

For example, if a person weighs 70 kg with 20% body fat, then: Muscle Mass = 70 - (70 x 0.20) = 56 kg

Some modern digital scales have features of measuring body composition that can provide estimates of muscle mass based on weight and height. Although not as accurate as a method like DEXA, these scales are quite practical for daily use.

Tips For Increasing Muscle Mass

After knowing how to calculate muscle mass, the next step is to increase or maintain healthy muscle mass. Here are some tips that can help:

So the conclusion is that calculating muscle mass is an important step in understanding physical conditions and body fitness. There are various methods that can be used, ranging from simple calculations to advanced technologies such as DEXA. By understanding how to calculate muscle mass, one can more easily determine the steps that need to be taken to achieve their fitness goals. If you want to get more accurate results, consult professionally in the field of health or fitness.

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