JAKARTA - Neck and shoulder pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, affecting about a third of adults of working age. Looking at the screen or more precisely, how to sit on screen, in addition to poor posture, can burden the muscles of the neck and shoulders, cause pain and stiffness.

"When it comes to pain, being proactive is the best solution," explained East Asian Acupuncture Doctor Gudrun Snyder, driven by Byrdie, Thursday, January 30.

"The movement, healthy eating habits, and including things like acupuncture, yoga, or other self-care regimens into daily routines can make a big difference."

Revised lifestyles can have a positive impact on the causes of pain and strain caused by the seismic lifestyle. Chaotic necks and shoulders can also be caused by weaknesses in other muscles, such as arms, during activities that require stabilization, according to physical therapist Theresa Marko.

"This weakness causes the neck muscles to be active to help stabilize the arms and shoulders," he said.

According to Marko, the most effective solution is to strengthen the shoulder rotator muscle and the bone muscle to reduce the pressure on the neck and shoulders. However, for faster repairs, according to experts, there are several ways to relieve the pain muscle and strain on the neck and shoulders.

Ensuring a suitable and specific desk for you can make a big difference, according to Christynne Helfrich, PT, DPT, OCS, Physical Therapists at Hinge Health.

"Ensuring the monitor parallel to the eye can help keep the head and neck in a neutral and relaxed position. The elbow must lean comfortably on the back of the hand or table. In addition, ensuring the wrist is in a neutral position when typing or using a mouse can help," explained Helfrich.

One of the best ways to prevent neck and shoulder muscle tension is to limit being in one position for too long.

"Fending hours in front of a computer or cell phone can cause stiffness and pain due to the mobility in the neck and shoulders," explained Helfrich.

"Expand one to two minutes each hour to move your head from one side to the other to help stretch the muscles of your neck and shoulders."

"Nyeri on the shoulders and neck is very common in the modern world that focuses on technology. From looking at the cellphone, working in front of the computer, to daily stress, neck and shoulders often feel it first," said Snyder.

"The first recommendations always start with a posture. Turn your shoulders back and close your bones. This simple movement should feel awkward but very good. For people who work in front of the computer all day long, try doing this every hour throughout the day. A little change in body posture can make a big difference."

With repetition, you will master it and the body will soon find harmony with this new position and rearrange the previous poor posture.

The shoulder movement can relax muscles and tendons around the shoulder joints, which relieve tension and tightness, increase blood flow, and increase mobility. Close your shoulders to your ears, turn your shoulders forward, and press the spine downwards and backwards. Finally, return your shoulders to a neutral position. You can do the same movement in the opposite direction, so first raise your shoulders towards your ears, turn your shoulders back, flip your spine, then end it by moving forward and backward to the starting position.

Bekat bone is a triangular bone in the upper back that is connected to several upper back and shoulder muscles. According to Helfrich, you can stretch your tense muscles and relieve tensions in your neck and shoulders by squeezing them. Doing this movement is easy: "Try to flip your spine and hold it for 5 seconds; repeat ten times throughout the day," said Helfrich.

Deep breathing exercise is known to help relieve stress and anxiety and calm you to make it more relaxed, making it very suitable for neck pain due to stress. According to Helfrich, stress can cause you to breathe using the upper chest muscles.

"Because the body is not designed to do this in the long term, this can lead to an increase in tension and pain in the upper neck, shoulders and back area," he explained.

"Focus on breathing from the stomach first so that the body can pull and exhale deeply."

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