JAKARTA - Chinese New Year celebrations are synonymous with various delicious dishes such as meat, basket cake, and other fatty foods. After enjoying abundant food, the body often feels heavy and less energetic.
Of course, our bodies certainly need refreshment. Here are 5 easy ways to detox the body and get back in shape, as reported by VOI from the superlife.co page on Wednesday, January 29.
1. Many Protein Consumptions
Protein is the main key in the detoxification process. If during your Chinese New Year you eat a lot of fatty foods, now is the time to increase the intake of quality protein. Protein contains amino acids that play an important role in helping the body remove toxins.
Choose a natural and organic source of protein. As much as possible, avoid artificial proteins such as supplements or shakes, and prioritize protein from natural sources such as vegetables, citrus fruit, berries, green tea, and quinoa.
Keep in mind, detoxes cannot be maximized just by consuming fruits and vegetables. Therefore, the diet method of drinking juice that is often considered good, is actually less effective. Because the juice process removes protein content from fruits and vegetables.
2. Drink lots of water
No doubt, water is the solution to many health problems. Drinking enough water will help the body remove toxins and keep metabolism optimal. The more you drink, the faster the poison is wasted from the body. Indeed, you may go to the toilet more often, but think of it as an additional physical activity that is beneficial to the body.
3. Natural Fat Consumption
Many people avoid fat because it is considered bad for health. However, the fact is that natural fat can actually help the body's detox process.
Add coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, or black chocolate to the daily menu. Besides being delicious, this food can help increase metabolism and provide additional energy for daily activities.
4. Take Advantage of turmeric
Kunyit is a magic spice that has extraordinary benefits, especially for the health of the heart. The content of kurcumin in turmeric has strong antioxidant properties and supports the liver's function in removing toxins from the body.
Add turmeric to food or drink to get maximum detox benefits. Can be mixed into tea, soup, or smoothie.
5. Eat Almond Beans
Don't underestimate the strength of almonds. This healthy snack is rich in vitamins and can help lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and clean up fat deposits in the body.
Choose almonds that have been activated or soaked first, so that they are easy to digest and provide maximum nutritional benefits.
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