JAKARTA - Giving mandin oranges is a tradition that should not be missed when celebrating the Chinese New Year. This tradition comes from South China and is known as 'song gam' in Canton.

Interestingly, the term 'song gam' means 'giving gold', which for the Chinese people believes in luck. This symbolizes the giving of prosperity and good hope to its recipients.

With so many types of mandin oranges lined up in fruit stores, you must be able to choose the right oranges. Here are 5 popular types of mandin oranges and how to distinguish them, as reported by VOI from the Michelin Guide page on Wednesday, January 29.

For those who can't wait to peel the oranges, Ponkan is the right choice. Its bloating skin makes the peeling process very easy. This round-shaped fruit has smooth skin.

For lovers of sweet tastes, Ponkan is the best choice because oranges are the sweetest with a very Good texture. However, its very sweet taste can feel excessive if you eat too much at once.

If you exchange mandin oranges, you will most likely receive a pair of Lukan mandin oranges. This is the most popular type of mandin orange. Lukan oranges have thin skin and are slightly wrinkled, making them easy to peel.

The size of the lukan is smaller than the pounds. However, it tastes sweet and beautiful with a little acid is very refreshing. In terms of taste, this orange is liked by everyone.

The Swatow orange is named after its place of origin in the city of Shantou, Guangdong, China. These oranges are suitable for those who prefer less sweet tastes. Swatow skin is rougher, wrinkled, and thicker, making it harder to peel.

Selaput bagian dalam swatow cenderung lebih kenal dan rasanya kurang sweet. Jeruk ini dapat bertahan hingga dua minggu, sehingga sangat cocok menjadi decoration selama perayaan Imlek.

Kinno fruit is widely cultivated in Pakistan and India and is slightly flat in shiny red orange. Kinno is the right choice because it has a strong mixture of sweet and acidic flavors. However, this orange has more seeds than other varieties, so eating this fruit can be a bit of a hassle.

There is a typical bulge at the top, Dekopon is said to be like a piring. Dekopon is a Chinese orange from Japan. Dekopon is a combination of Japanese, which means 'doko' (jol) and 'pon' from the word 'ponkan'. The orange is a hybrid between Kiyomi and the ponque developed in Japan in 1972.

Dekopon is often referred to as the most delicious citrus mandin. This fruit without seeds has a sweet taste, strong acid and a fragrant aroma. However, Dekopon is one of the more expensive oranges. One Dekopon fruit is valued at around USD 7 or IDR 114 thousand.

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