YOGYAKARTA - Everyone definitely wants to have a face with a positive aura. Aura faces can attract attraction for people who see it, whether it becomes liked, missed, or happy when working together. A Muslim certainly needs to know prayers so that people like to see our faces.

The attractiveness of a person's face is not only from a handsome or beautiful face, but also influenced by the rona or the aura of the face. Have you ever seen a person whose face is fairly mediocre, but feels like he has its own charm which cannot be explained in words.

People who have a positive aura of the face are usually the center of attention and are easily approached by others. As a Muslim who wants to appear with a positive aura, there are several prayers for people to enjoy seeing our faces that can be read every day.

Here are some prayers that can be read by Muslims so that others like to see our faces because they have a positive aura:

Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it and let's talk about it.

Innaa ansaanaa huntana insaaa. Faja'alnaa hunna abkaaro. 'Atroobata.

Meaning: In fact We created them (bidadari-bidadari) directly and We made them girl girls of full of love again their age (QS. Al-Waqiah: 35-37).

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Robbana at-mimlana nuurona waghfirlana innaka ala kulli syai 'in qadir

Meaning: O our God, perfect for us our light and forgive us, in fact You are Almighty over everything. (QS. At-Tahrim: 8).

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Although anna Qur'aan suyyirot bihil jibaalu auquththi-at bihil ardhu au kullima bihil mauta balillaahil amru jamii-an

Meaning: And if there is a recitation (the holy code) with which the mountains can be shaken or the earth split or so the dead can speak, (of course it is the Qur'an he). Actually all these matters belong to Allah. (Ar-Rad: 31)

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Alhamdulillahi kamaa hassanta khalqii fahassin khuluqii

Meaning: All praise to Allah, improve the kindness of my character as You have improved the appearance of my face.

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A'n uqdzifiihi uttambauti fauqdzifiihi fii ultim falyulqihi ultimmu dzi aassahili yaa'khudzuhu a'dawwalli wa'aduwwullahu walqoytu a'layka mahabbatamani walitusnak a'laa a'yni

Meaning: Put him (Musa) in the coffin, then put him in the river (Nil), then surely the river will take him to the shore, so that it is taken by (Firaun) my enemies and his enemies. And I have delegated to you the love that comes from Me; and so that you are cared for under My supervision. (Deed of Taha verse 39).

Keep in mind that the main goal of practicing the prayers above is only to hope for pleasure from Allah SWT. If Allah is Meridhoi then hopefully we will also be loved by Him.

Allah will also make other people like us or love us. This is stated in the hadith of the Prophet Shallallahualaihi wa sallam, from Abu Hurairah ra., Rasulullah said:

"Indeed Allah Ta'ala if he loves a servant, He will call Jibril, 'Indeed Allah loves A, so love him.' Then Jibril loves him. Then Jibril announced to all the inhabitants of heaven, 'Indeed Allah loves A, so love him.' Finally the inhabitants of heaven loved him. Then he was made acceptable to the inhabitants of the earth. (HR. Bukhari).

Those are some prayers so that people are happy to see our face which can be practiced by Muslims. So that your hope can be guided by Allah SWT, you should also practice positive actions that provide benefits for others. Also read how to be successful according to the Qur'an.

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