JAKARTA - Do you have a lot of meat stock at home? You may not cook everything right away and choose to save it. If stored properly, raw meat is actually quite durable. You do not have to rush to spend it in the near future.

For red meat such as goat and beef, if stored in the freezer, it can last 4-12 months. If it's outside the freezer, it only lasts five days. But you must first know the tips for storing meat so that it is more durable and of good quality.

Cut it into small pieces

First, you must first estimate what the meat stock will be processed and when. You can separate the meat per serving or about one meal per family. So, you can cut the meat into smaller pieces and separate it in several different containers.

If you freeze all the meat, then thaw it and only use a little, the rest is frozen again, this can cause bacteria to grow and spoil the meat. Hence, it is important to divide the meat into separate containers. So if you want to cook, just take one, thaw it from the freezer, then process everything. Meanwhile, meat in other containers remains safe in the freezer.

Airtight container

When you store meat, be sure to choose an airtight container. The tighter the container, the better it is for maintaining the quality of the meat. You can also take advantage of eco-friendly vacuum plastics.

Meat does not need washing

Before being cut and put into the container, does the meat need to be washed? There's really no need. When you wash meat, the bacteria can spread to the washing machine and can become contaminated from the water. Also washed meat usually absorbs a lot of water, which can reduce its quality.

Give a date sticker

In every meat storage container, don't forget to include the date when you bought it or got it. This note will serve as a reminder to choose which meat to cook first so it doesn't spoil.

Refrigerator temperature

To store meat, set your refrigerator temperature to cooler and freezer temperature below -18 degrees Celsius. This temperature will make the meat more durable and quality. Make sure you don't open and close the refrigerator frequently and don't refreeze meat that has been taken out of the freezer.

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