5 Ways You Can Calm Down When You're Angry
Illustration (Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Feelings of anger can sometimes appear suddenly. Various reasons can be the reason why you can get angry. It could be because you have big problems, know trivial things that are annoying, get scolded by your boss, forget to pay bills until you get big interest, or just found out that your partner is cheating will definitely make your emotions explode.

It's okay to be angry, of course, but you may want to cool off first to relax. When the mood is still hot, you may do something wrong. Meanwhile, by being calmer, you can think more clearly and know what to do.

Then, when you feel angry, what can you do to calm yourself down? For more, let's follow these tips.

Take a deep breath

When you are feeling angry, try to remember to take a deep breath and close your eyes. Simple, but powerful for relieving emotions plus relaxing. As much as possible go to a quieter and quieter place, such as sitting in the car or going to the toilet, then relax yourself with relaxing deep breathing techniques. Repeat until you feel calmer.

Take a walk out of the room

If you have trouble at home or the office, try taking a short walk outside for a walk. You can cool off with a breath of fresh air. Take a break from the source of the anger and enjoy a moment of leisurely stroll, thinking about things that might help you get out of trouble.

Listening to music

Don't have time to leave the room for a walk? You can try one easy way to calm your heart and mind, namely by listening to music. It's free of any music that makes you feel good, but actually what really calms you down is loud music like heavy metal.


To be calmer when you're angry, you can confide in the closest person. Stories are a way to vent positive emotions. If you don't have any friends nearby, try texting or telling a story over the phone.


If your emotions have built up and you can no longer hold them back, then cry. Do not be ashamed or afraid to be called a crybaby, the reason is that tears are powerful to diffuse emotions. After crying, you will definitely feel more relieved. In order not to be a spectacle, you can find a quiet place if you are in the office or for example the mall, which again is usually in the toilet!

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