Stress is a body reaction that occurs in a person with certain conditions. Stress generally arises when a person faces pressure, threats, or something new is obtained. This condition can also be experienced when a person experiences situations or feelings of nervousness, anger, despair, or when he is feeling very excited. Then, what are the signs that appear in the body when stressed? Check out the full review below.
When experiencing stress, the body will show a response and there will be changes in the physical or mental.
This happens naturally, and the body will release a hormone called adrenaline and cortisol.
Basically, this reaction is a good thing and can be a sign and help a person to get a way out. However, of course, attacking stress cannot be taken lightly at all.
Everyone is at risk of experiencing stress, including children. Stress is generally only temporary and will end if the cause is overcome.
However, under some conditions, the continuous stress can interfere with physical health and make the body's immune system weaker.
When the immune system weakens, viruses or bacteria that cause disease will be easier to attack.
Stress left untreated can cause people with digestive problems and sleep disorders at night, aka insomnia.
Basically, symptoms that often appear as a sign of stress between one person and another can vary, depending on the causes and endurance of the body.
There are four things that can change and become a sign that appears in the body when experiencing stress, including:
Changes in physical condition can also be a sign that a person is stressed. This will make it easy for a person to feel weak, digestive disorders, dizziness, migraines, muscle aches, and heart palpitations.
People who are stressed also often find it difficult to sleep at night, the body trembles, the feet feel cold and sweaty, difficult to swallow, the mouth dry, to the point of reduced sexual desire.
Changes in emotions are one of the most common signs that occur in someone suffering from stress.
This condition makes a person easily irritated, frustrated, and mood changes easily, aka mood swing.
People who experience stress will usually find it difficult to calm their minds, be confused, feel low, lonely, avoid others, find it difficult to control themselves, to depression.
At a severe level, feelings of stress and stress can cause a person to experience behavioral changes.
This condition results in a decrease in appetite, lack of focus and often avoid responsibilities, frequent nervousness, irritability, and looking for 'extortion', for example by consuming alcoholic drinks and smoking.
For anyone who is stressed and takes a long time, let alone appears repeatedly, it is better to immediately consult someone who can help us deal with this. You can also come to a doctor or psychiatrist.
Examinations will be carried out to understand with certainty the causes of stress symptoms and prevent more severe complications.
In addition to physical characteristics, stress can also cause a person to experience cognitive changes.
This condition makes a person often forgetful, difficult to focus, always think negatively, be pessimistic, and often make decisions that are not good.
That's a review of the signs that appear on the body when stressed. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.
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