JAKARTA - Who doesn't like to eat watermelons? This fruit is very useful in summer. However, due to a small mistake, we sometimes waste the benefits of the watermelons that have been purchased.
The cause is the wrong combination of food. In fact, eating certain foods after eating watermelons can interfere with digestion and eliminate all of its benefits.
Here are 3 foods that should not be consumed with watermelons, as reported by VOI from the India TV News page on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Consuming milk after eating watermelons can be harmful to health. Semangka contains vitamin C, and when a dairy product is consumed afterwards, both can react and cause bloating. This can damage the digestive system and cause digestive disorders.
Protein-rich foods should also be avoided after eating watermelons. Semangka contains vitamins, minerals, and a little bit of starch. Under these conditions, eating protein-like foods such as nuts can damage digestive enzymes and be harmful to the stomach.
Eating eggs after eating watermelons can trigger various stomach problems. In addition to containing protein, eggs also have fatty acids such as omega-3, while watermelons are water-rich fruit. The combination of both can inhibit the digestive process and cause bloating and constipation.
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