JAKARTA - Happiness is being felt by the couple Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan who have just been blessed with their second child on December 15, 2024.

In a video upload, Nikita tries to tell about her experience of giving birth to her second child in the United States.

Nikita said that on that day, since the morning she had felt a consistent contraction but not too intense.

"This morning I felt a consistent contraction, but not too intense," said Nikita Willy, quoted by VOI from YouTube Nikita Willy Official, Sunday, January 5.

The funny thing is, Nikita is reluctant to tell about the contraction she is feeling to her home people so they don't worry too much.

"I didn't tell anyone at home, because I don't want to be pressing and have too high expectations that the baby will be born today," he continued.

Then, Nikita Willy, who was alone at home withmen, the midwife who helped her give birth, chose to clean the house.

This was done by Nikita to divert pain from contraction by continuing to move.

"I think I have to move a lot so I don't think too much about the contraction. So, I decided to clean up the cinema room and Issa's playground," he said.

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