JAKARTA Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle, the latest animated film produced by MNC Animation officially airs in cinemas throughout Indonesia starting today, January 2. This animated film not only features stunning visuals that spoil children's eyes, but also presents an inspiring story about friendship, kinship, and educational values so that it is suitable for child vacations.
The film ZANNA: Whisper of Volcano Isle tells the story of a girl named Zanna who is separated from her family. Once upon a time, she accidentally entered a world full of wonders. Together with two beautiful singers, Dinda and Novi, Zananna ventured to explore various new challenges, to fight the attack of an evil enemy force.
The film Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle offers high-quality animation, combining beautiful visual details with touching stories. Dimas Rismawan, Sub-Coordinator of Application Marketing and DKV, Dit. Creative Economy Marketing, emphasizes the importance of the educational value contained in this film.
With a stunning combination of visuals and a valueful story, Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle" is the ideal choice to spend a vacation with your family. For those of you who want to immediately witness the miracle of this animation, there is a one free purchase promo that can be used.
The colorful story of Zananna's adventures will captivate children's hearts, while her moral values provide valuable lessons.
"Hopefully the audience can learn a lot of lessons, can instill the messages, foster enthusiasm to do anything," said Ayla Nurshabrina, voice actor for the character of Zanna.
Muchamad Iqbal Arief, Dit Staff. Marketing Creative Economy, also expressed his appreciation for the strong family theme in this story. This film is not only entertainment, but also a learning moment for children, with stunning visuals and a heart-catching story," he said when contacted Thursday, January 2.
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